Fraternity and Sorority Houses
Joining a fraternity or sorority at Pacific has its benefits. One of them is the opportunity to live in community while you learn, grow, and lead together.
Pacific offers 11 social Greek organizations. Our six fraternities include Beta Theta Pi, Omega Delta Phi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Chi, Theta Chi, and Xi Chi Sigma. Our five sororities are Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma, Gamma Alpha Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Rho Delta Chi.
Some friends will be in your life for years, but your brothers and sisters will be there for a lifetime.

Each chapter has specific requirements to become a member. Primary recruitment for all councils takes place in the fall semester. Of the 11 social Greek organization houses, four are owned and operated by Residential Life and Housing. These include Alpha Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Theta Chi.
To reside in the chapter facilities, you must meet the following criteria:
You must be an active member prior to moving in and must be approved by the chapter’s president to be eligible to reside in the chapter’s house.
You must have sophomore standing to live in a fraternity or sorority house beginning the following semester or term after becoming a member of a chapter.
At the Pacific chapter of Beta Theta Pi, the brothers in the organization are dedicated to developing men of principle for a principled life. In everything they do on and off campus, they aim to hold themselves to their statement and the five core values that uphold it: Mutual Assistance, Intellectual Growth, Trust, Responsible Conduct and Integrity. Each brother is committed to helping one another and build each other up to become principled leaders.

Sigma Chi strives for excellence and their motto is “Expect More”. Members challenge each other to not only participate on campus socially and professionally, but to expect more out of themselves and the members of the organization. Sigma Chi members keep an active presence on campus through various social and philanthropy events, and have members spread throughout the various clubs and organizations on campus. Members come from different walks of life and possess different temperaments, talents, and convictions that form the brotherhood they hold dear. You can see them at Sigma Chi events, or feel free to stop by the house and get to know a few of the brothers.
Alpha Phi was founded at Syracuse University in 1872 and Pacific's Iota Gamma chapter was founded in 1998. Alpha Phis embody four high ideals which are: Sisterhood, Generosity, Character and Innovation. Pacific's chapter is filled with a diverse group of strong and smart women who can be found anywhere on campus such as: working at the UC Front desk, in the ASUOP Office, working at our Rec Center, studying on the UC Lawn or at our house in Fraternity Circle. Members are excited to welcome all incoming students to the Stockton campus.

Members at Theta Chi strive to make everyone's college experience as fulfilling and entertaining as possible. They do this by holding a range of exciting events such as social, recruitment, philanthropy, safety, and brotherhood events. Theta Chi's motto is "An Assisting Hand" and this means that members are always there for each other. Whether you need academic support, emotional support, or just advice, you can be confident knowing that the members of Theta Chi will always be there to assist you whenever needed.
Find out how to apply and other important information.